Tuesday, 5 April 2011

do u know

FACT: Did you know that the number of patterns of connections of your nerve cells in your head greatly outnumber the number of stars in this Universe? However, many of us don’t walk around like  we have the most expensive, state-of-the-art computer in our head.  Our performance in school and work fall way below our limitless potential. The reason for this is simple.
  • In school, we were never taught anything about our brain and how understanding it’s functions could help us learn and memorise.
  • We were never taught anything about how our memory functions,
  • We were never taught anything about special and advanced memory techniques and how to use it to our advantage.
  • We were never taught about the nature of concentration and how they can be applied to different discipline and styles.
FACT: Did you know that Einstein just had an average-sized brain? If so, how did he come up with his revolutionary and groundbreaking scientific theories? The secret lies in the way we have been using our brain.
Imagine if you were taught the right way to think, the right way to learn and the right way to remember and be creative. Then imagine how this new skill could massively enhance your life and your career, you could;
  • Get better grades in school and ultimately a great job or career
  • Earn more money, a lot more, and get a faster promotion or become a more creative manager.
  • Become a successful entrepreneur - always a step in ahead your competitors with fresh new ideas.
  • Gain a higher self-esteem knowing you've gained mastery over your super-charged memory.

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